Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rangkuman Ketujuh Role Organization Culture-Kimiz Dalkir

Chapter VII
The Role Of Organizational Culture
Didalam bab ini akan membahas peran yang dilakukan oleh budaya organisasi lebih terinci. Berbagai jenis budaya organisasi dijelaskan dengan maksud untuk lebih memahami dimensi kunci dari microcultures berbeda yang berkembang dalam rganisasi. Penggerak budaya dan hambatan untuk berbagi pengetahuan disajikan, bersama-sama dengan diskusi tentang bagaimana lembaga yang diinginkan perubahan organisasi untuk lebih mengakomodasi manajemen pengetahuan. Akhirnya, sifat angka panjang dari dimensi budaya organisasi ditujukan dengan menghadirkan model utama kematangan organisasi dan KM.

Apa itu kultur organisasi?
Suatu pola pikiran, kebiasaan, dan perilaku yang diciptakan oleh suatu kelompok tetentu yang kemudian di kembangkan dan diterapkan di dalam suatu organisasi. Sebuah nilai yang dipegang oleh orang orang dalam organisasi tersebut dan merupakan pembeda dari organisasi lainnya.

Kenapa penting membelajarinya?
Karena didalam kultur tersebut itulah kita belajar adaptasi lingkungan baru yang ada di dalam organisasi, sehingga apa yang kita kerjakan sesuai dengan apa yang di inginkan dalam organisasi tersebut dan sebagai pembeda dari organisasi lainya

Perbedaan kultur organisasi biasanya akan dipengaruhi dari 7 karakteristik perusahaan.
  • Innovation and risk taking. Perusahaan seperti Apple Computer, yang sangat menggemari hal hal baru, akan mendorong karyawannnya untuk berani berinovasi dan mengambil resiko.
  • Attention to detail. Perusahaan yang sangat memperhatikan detail (misal bank) akan memaksa karyawannya untuk tidak melakukan kesalahan sekecil apapun.
  • Outcomes Orientation. Tipikal perusahaan yang berorientasi pada hasil, tidak terlalu memperdulikan bagaimana teknis dan proses pelaksanaan, asalkan hasil yang didapat sesuai dengan target.
  • People Orientation. Perusahaan akan memikirkan efek terhadap karyawannya ketika akan mengambil keputusan.
  • Team Orientation. Perusahaan yang mengutamakan kerjasama team (misal team sepakbola) akan membangun kultur yang mendukung kerjasama team. Besar kemungkinan mereka akan sering melakukan acara team building.
  • Aggresiveness. Perusahaan seperti ini akan mendorong karyawannya untuk bersikap agresif dan berjiwa kompetitif daripada bersantai santai ria.
  • Stability. Perusahaan yang menjunjung stabilitas (seperti Kompas Gramedia), cenderung akan bersikap sangat konservatif dan tidak akan mendorong karyawannya untuk sering menelurkan ide ide baru. Karyawan hanya dituntut untuk mengikuti pattern yang sudah terbentuk.
Apa Fungsi Kultur Organisasi?
·         Pembeda dari organisasi lainnya.
·         Identitas karyawan sebuah perusahaan.
·         Komitmen karyawan diatas kepentingan bersama.
·         Perekat sosial dengan menyediakan standar apa yang karyawan harus lakukan dan katakan.
·         Mekanisme kontrol yang membentuk perilaku karyawan.

Hambatan atau Kekurangan dari Kultur Organisasi antara lain:
Barrier to change. Kultur yang sudah mengakar akan sulit untuk diubah. Terkadang kultur perusahaan harus diganti jika ingin mengikuti perkembangan jaman supaya tetap mampu berkompetisi. Kultur seperti apa yang ada di pikiran kamu ketika kamu mendengar kata “PERTAMINA” ? Nah, ketika pintu persaingan dibuka (dengan masuknya pemain lain seperti Shell, Petronas, dll) maka mau ga mau kultur pertamina harus diubah. Perubahan biasanya tidak akan mudah dilakukan.
Barrier to diversity. Kultur akan mengakibatkan karyawan memiliki kecenderungan yang sama dalam bertingkah laku dan berkata. Ketika ada orang lain yang tidak berlaku seperti kebanyakan karyawan, maka orang tersebut akan terisolasi. Keterisolasiannya akan menekan orang tersebut, sehingga dia tidak akan mampu mengeluarkan kemampuannya yang terbaik. Bayangkan seorang yang ceria dan ramai (sangat sanguin) masuk ke dalam lingkungan kraton yang sangat kaku. Mendiang Lady Di sering tertangkap ketiduran (atau bosan) dengan segala kegiatan di Buckingham Palace.
Barrier to Acquisition and Mergers. Ada kalanya perusahaan akan terkena akuisisi ataupun dimerger dengan perusahaan lain. Nah kalo kultur di dua perusahaan tersebut berbeda, maka akan terjadi benturan yang memungkinkan gejolak.
1. A communal culture can give its members a sense of belonging, though it also is task-driven. Leaders of this culture are usually very inspirational and charismatic. The major negative is that they often exert too much influence and other members are rarely vocal.

2. In a networked culture, members are treated as friends and family. People have close contact with each other and love each other. They are willing to help each other and share information. The disadvantage of this culture is that people are so kind to each other that they are reluctant to point out and criticize the poor performance.
3. A mercenary culture focuses on strict goals. Members are expected to meet the goals and to get the job done quickly. Since everyone focuses on goals and objectivity, there is little room for political cliques. The negative is that those with poor performance may be treated inhumanely.
4. In a fragmented culture, the sense of belonging to and identification with the organization is usually very weak. The individualists constitute the organizations, and their commitment is given first to individual members and task work. The downside is that there is a lack of  operation.

In summary, organizational culture
·         Establishes a set of roles (social identities).
·         Establishes a set of role expectations (traits, competencies, and values) associated
·         with each identity.
·         Establishes the status or value/worth to the reference group of each social identity.
·         Provides values, cognitive schema, and mental models to influence how individuals behave with respect to the various groups or communities they find themselves a member of (microculture), as well as with respect to the organizational culture as a whole.
·         Having knowledge journalists begin interviewing key people to document projects, best practices, lessons learned, and good stories.
·         Instituting KM get-togethers, which could be breakfasts, lunch and learn sessions, or any type of informal gathering to help people get to know one another, sometimes with thematic talks and showing managerial support.
·         Producing newsletters to publicize KM initiatives and celebrate good role models.
·         Launching KM pilot projects, such as expertise location systems and intranets with space devoted to different communities of practice.
·         Changing performance evaluation criteria to reflect and assess knowledgesharing ompetencies and accomplishments.
·         Censuring knowledge hoarders and rewarding effective knowledge sharers.
·         Redesigning workplaces to allow for gathering places (e.g., Cotter, 2000; hiem, 2001; Gladwell, 2000).
2.       Paulk organizational maturity : Represents the adoption of a new technology or process within an organization, which is a very good match for the introduction of new KM functions.
3.       Fujitsu organizational maturity:  Provides a fast and easy way of assessing how cohesive or pervasive a culture is within a given organization, which can provide valuable guidance either in selecting pilot KM sites, if the organization
4.       is in the earlier stages, or in focusing on closely aligning KM with the overall business strategy.
5.       Infosys KM: A model that is much more specific and allows diagnosis of specific KM behaviors, such as content
6.       capture, knowledge sharing, and KM metrics. Greater specificity allows for more refined targeting of priority KM initiatives.
7.       Paulzen and Perc KPQM: The KPQM is quite similar to the Infosys KM model and also allows for incremental introduction of KM initiatives into an organization based on the phase of KM maturity.
8.       Forrester Group KM maturity: A model that focuses on how employees acquire model relevant content, which is particularly well suited for an incremental introduction of knowledge support services within an organization.
9.       Wenger CoP life-cycle model: The CoP life-cycle model can also provide a good indicator of the cultural evolution of an organization, particularly as it pertains to the coalescing of informal networks of peers who regularly share valuable knowledge with one another. The CoP life-cycle model can also help identify key KM roles and responsibilities that should be introduced at each phase.

1. Clearly define desired cultural outcomes.
2. Assess the current cultural state.
3. Diagnose the existing culture with respect to desired knowledge-sharing
4. Assess tolerance to change.
5. Identify change enablers and barriers.
6. Assess the maturity level of KM within the organization.
7. Identify KM enablers and barriers.
8. Conduct a gap analysis to yield a map on how to get from where the
organization is currently to where it would like to be culturally.

Cultural Barrier
o        Lack of time and meeting places
o        Status and rewards to knowledgeowners
o        Lack of absorptive capacityNot-invented-here syndrome
o        Intolerance of mistakes and needfor help, lack of trust
o        Lack of common language (not just English vs. Spanish but engineer-speak vs. manager-speak)
Possible Solution
o        Hold seminars and e-meetings; redesign physicalworkspaces.
o        Establish incentives and include them inperformance evaluations, develop role models.
o        Hire for openness, educate current workforce.
o        Use nonhierarchical approach based on quality of ideas and not status of source.
o        Accept and reward creativity and collaborationand ensure there is no loss of status for not knowing everything.
o        Establish a knowledge taxonomy and knowledge dictionary for knowledge content, standard formats, translators, metadata, knowledge support staff.

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